Thursday, 15 January 2009

Health and Safety - Getting it Right

Health and Safety is an essential part of everyday working and does need to be taken seriously. Providing that you put the right policy in place and take the matter seriously then the process is often not as much hard work as employers initially believe.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have published a ‘ten point plan’ for businesses to ensure they protect the health and safety of their employees as well as people visitng offices and businesses in general.

Their key recommendations are that:

1. All new businesses register with the appropriate authority ie the HSE or the local authority;
2. You take out adequate employers’ liability insurance and display the certificate where everyone can see it (this is actually a legal requirement);
3. Make sure you have someone capable to help you comply with health and safety regulations;
4. Decide on and prepare a health and safety policy which should help you manage health and safety issues;
5. Carry out an assessment of risk (potential dangers and appropriate precautions) and act on the findings;
6. Provide basic welfare facilities ie washing and toilet facilities, remember, different business may require different facilities;
7. Provide appropriate health and safety training for employees;
8. Consult your employees or worker force on health and safety matters, afterall, health and safety is everyones responsiblity;
9. Display the required health and safety law poster and give employees a leaflet covering the basic information;
10. Report as required any work-related accidents, diseases or dangerous incidents as soon as possible.

The HSE has many useful leaflets accessible online at


Blogger eduardoelf said...

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28 November 2010 at 02:11  

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