Celebrating 20 years at Brooks & Partners

On the 10th of October this year Ian Temple suddenly announced that he had been with the firm for 20 years and produced a few bottles of bubbly with which to celebrate. Unbeknown to Ian, planning for a surprise party the following week with everyone from the office as well as a few family members had been underway for weeks.
Those at the firm who have known Ian over a long period know it is very rare to catch him out so it was a wonderful moment to see the look on his face when the surprise was sprung! Grateful thanks must go to everyone who had managed to keep this secret for so long, and especially Yvonne, Ian’s wife.
Needless to say an extremely good time was had by all before Ian was wisked off for dinner at WE Restaurant in Fleet.
Congratulations Ian, we are all very proud of you!
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