The three members of staff taking part in the 10k on Sunday 25th October managed to complete it in good times with Kate achieving her best ever time for this distance. Although all share the surname Brooks, only Kate and Simon are related to Principal Michael Brooks! The event organisers must have been left wondering at the size of the Brooks family when Michael’s other son Dominic and his wife Susy also took part in the event.
Both Kate and Robyn returned to work on Monday morning very happy and satisfied even if they were a little stiff and suffering from the odd blister! Simon took the day off believing that a rest day might be needed – needless to say he was back the following day and happy with his efforts.
All of the “Brooks” runners would like to thank Michael Brooks for his generous donation to each of them as well as their other sponsors who have made a considerable contribution to Cancer Research UK.
Kate has now raised the bar and is looking to run a half marathon next year, we are waiting to hear if Simon and Robyn will follow suit!