Thursday, 29 October 2009

Commando Challenge - or just wet, cold and muddy!

A previous BLOG on this subject told of Vickie Lennard, our Office Manager, raising funds for Devon Air Ambulance and The Royal British Legion by undertaking the Commando Challenge with a team made up of Mum’s and Girlfriends of Royal Marine Recruits.

From the pictures shown you can see that it was not a soft option and Vickie and her team completed the 3 mile course (with three tunnels, two rivers a sheep dip and bog) in just over an hour. Vickie would like to thank Michael Brooks for a very generous donation and all those who sponsored her and the team – the final count is over £700.00 which is a sterling effort!

Having seen the photographs a colleague has suggested that next year we make up a team from Brooks & Partners, now that will be a whole new challenge!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Suddenly there are not enough properties for sale!

Suddenly there are not enough properties on the market, according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, although it is different in certain areas of the country. Prices have been best so far in the south of England and the Survey showed that quality properties were now receiving competitive bids.

It is the first time since May 2007 that surveyors have reported property price increases rather than price falls and, predictably, London and the south-east of England are showing the largest increase although the Poll still shows price falls in Wales, as well as Yorkshire and Humberside.

Although enquiries from new buyers increased in September compared with August the level of new instructions from sellers decreased. Despite the problems first-time buyers continue to encounter in securing finance, the level of enquiries from potential purchasers is gradually rising. This imbalance between demand and supply may mean that house prices will increase rapidly in the short term which may not necessarily be good for the markets or the economy.

This latest Report supports a widespread opinion in the industry that house prices have been creeping up since the spring because relatively few people have been putting properties on the market.

· Halifax says house prices have risen by nearly 6% since April, adding £9,000 to the average price.
· Nationwide says prices have now risen for five months in a row, and are back to where they were a year ago.
· Sales show a modest improvement and are up on the same period last year.

So, the question is, have we yet turned the corner on the deepest recession since the 1930’s? Let’s hope so.

If you have any questions on the above please call 01276 681217 and ask for Simon Brooks.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Commando Challenge - or just wet, cold and muddy!

The firm’s office manager, Vickie Lennard, will be risking life and limb during October to take part in the Commando Challenge held in Lympstone, Devon in Aid of Devon Air Ambulance and the Royal British Legion.

Vickie’s son Alex worked with Brooks & Partners for 18 months whilst improving his fitness and attending college to enable him to apply for the Royal Marine Commando’s and he is currently training in Lympstone. This prompted Vickie to work on her fitness and to join up with another recruit mum and two recruit girlfriends to take part in the Challenge.

Vickie explained that she and the other members of the team felt it was right to try and help institutions that are always called upon to help both recruits and the forces in general, “It’s good to be able to put a little thank you back in!”.

Vickie has said that she is very grateful for the support she has received from work colleagues and the firm and will make sure photograph’s are taken of the Challenge itself which takes place over the actual endurance course undertaken by the Royal Marine Recruits, mud, water, stones and all – of course she is looking forward to it!

If you would like to make a donation to Vickie’s sponsorship please visit:

Brooks and Partners Solicitors, Lyons House, 2 Station Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7JA

VAT Registration: 572 8370 20