Friday, 14 November 2008

It's Called Recycling!

"I'll tell you what's wrong with it. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it."

For those who believe the ancient Greeks came up with most things first, proof has been found in a 4th century AD joke book that they were right! Obviously written by a relative of the Monty Python crowd the Dead Parrot sketch, where a man returns a parrot to a shop complaining it is dead, was originally written about a slave.

The 1,600 year-old joke book "Philogelos: The Laugh Addict," is one of the world's oldest joke books - it features the gag where a man complains that a slave he has only recently bought has died. "By the gods," replies the slave seller, "when he was with me, he never did any such thing!"

Is this the root of one of the funniest ever Monty Python sketches - "The Dead Parrot"? which contains the immortal and hysterical lines "It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords."

The joke book has been published in English and will appeal to all of us who swear that the old ones are the best - this could well be a "top 10" Christmas present. The jokes, so we are informed, are all about sex, dimwits, nagging wives and flatulence - obviously these subjects have been making us laugh since the dawn of time.

My husband's old football team in Bristol always had a number of students and were referred to as the "dolt student family" and they were always the butt of the joke. This was obviously not an original idea as many of the jokes feature a slow-witted boy known as the "student dunce" who is the one made fun of. In one, the boy goes to the city as a friend has asked him to buy two 15-year-old slaves: "No problem,' he responds. "If I don't find two 15-year-olds, I'll get one 30-year-old.'

Evidently the original book is attributed to Hierocles and Philagrius. Very little is known about them but it is amazing to note that they are still appreciated today as comedian Jim Bowen is reviving their lines in front of a 21-century audience.

Jim said "One or two of them are jokes I've seen in peoples' acts recently, slightly updated: they put in a motor car instead of a chariot."

There's nothing like the good old days!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Chicken For Christmas

Japan is heading for recession, their economy hit first by a jump in oil prices and now by the global financial crisis. Retailers have been hit hard by as the middle classes cut back on spending so they are trying to woo the super-rich with ever more extravagant offers.

For those in Japan willing to splurge this Christmas a department store is offering truffle-stuffed roast chickens for 84,000 yen (£540) each. Takashimaya Co have started taking orders for the 12 capons being flown in from France in time for Christmas Eve, filled with black truffles, foie gras, white sausage and chestnuts. "People may think it's expensive, but it would be perfect for a party as it feeds six to eight people," said a representative of Takashimaya.
Only one has been ordered so far.

Having chicken for Christmas is evidently popular in Japan, there is an existing Japanese tradition dating to the 1970s: head to the nearest Kentucky Fried Chicken where a meal of roast chicken, cake, salad and a commemorative plate sells for 5,300 yen (£32).

I'm very happy to be home with my turkey and stuffing thank you!

Friday, 7 November 2008

A different take on the Presidential elections...

So it is the long farewell to good old George W Bush and hello to Barack Obama – the problem with George W going is that he always gave us a good giggle by making one or two “gaffs”.

It is therefore good news that we still have Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who gave a somewhat unconventional welcome to Barack on Thursday when he was visiting Moscow.

At a news conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, 72-year-old Berlusconi said Obama's election to the White House was "hailed by world public opinion as the arrival of a messiah." And then added "I will try to help relations between Russia and the United States where a new generation has come to power, and I don't see problems for Medvedev to establish good relations with Obama who is also handsome, young and suntanned."

Berlusconi, who always has a year-round tan, is known in diplomatic circles for making the odd inappropriate remark.

On his first meeting with the Danish Prime Minister in 2002, Berlusconi complimented him with the words: "Rasmussen is not only a great colleague, he's also the best-looking prime minister in Europe." But added "He's so good looking, I'm even thinking of introducing him to my wife."

He caused a rather interesting diplomatic incident in 2005 by suggesting he had charmed Finnish President Tarja Halonen to make sure he had her backing to host the European Food Safety Authority summit, reportedly saying "I had to use all my playboy tactics, even if they have not been used for some time," Helsinki promptly called in the Italian ambassador to explain the comments.

Long live Berlusconi…..

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Italy calling.....

Late in September the two Vickie’s (Sturman and Lennard) visited the Italian Lake District on a weekend “cultural tour” and (unbelievably) actually took in a great deal of culture, alongside the excellent food and wine!

Vickie Sturman, who is a member of our Residential Conveyancing team, is a very keen photographer and had recently obtained a new camera. It turns out that not only is Vickie an outstanding Lawyer she is also an outstanding photographer with a wonderful “eye” for attention to detail!

A few of her photographs are attached and I think you will see what I mean – drink in the views!

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