Friday, 26 September 2008

London Bridges Walk


The forecast for Sunday 17th August was awful but thankfully wrong and, consequently, Vickie Sturman, Carol Mapp, Vickie Lennard and Nicola Sparkes (together with three friends) thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the sponsored seven mile walk across 9 of the London Bridges for CHASE children’s hospice.

Starting out at Tower Bridge and finishing at the Oval to watch Hampshire v Surrey the day was a great success and the girls from Brooks & Partners raised money for a charity they feel deserves as much support as possible. The game of cricket was an education for some who had never understood it in the first place. How can you have a "game" that goes on for five days but can still end in a draw!

“Last year the firm’s chosen charity was Phyllis Tuckwell and this year the staff have spread efforts further” said Michael Brooks “Ten of our female members of staff took part in the Race for Life and now four have completed the London Bridges Walk. I am very proud of the effort put in by members of staff for Charity events. I am also delighted to say that Brooks will be taking part in the upcoming "Dare to Wear it Pink" event in aid of Breast Cancer, though I have no idea yet what I will wear!".

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Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Crunch Tackle for Football Clubs

Has the credit crunch produced a new indicator for firms that may be in trouble? The football shirt sponsorship killer deal?

AIG have just hit the headlines and been "rescued" but when Manchester United signed up with AIG two years ago, could they have foreseen that the US insurance company would soon be hanging onto the cliff by its finger tips?

There are interesting parallels through this uncertain economic time. Newcastle United will probably forever be linked with the biggest banking failure Britain has seen, Northern Rock.

The bank's name is still displayed on the shirts - we assume because Newcastle cannot afford to change them or are unable to attract a new sponsor

West Ham are now without a sponsor, following the XL Travel "crash" last week stranding thousands of tourists but immediately dropped the XL logo, we assume because they are no longer happy with the association.

Really, does the above mean that we should be watching to see who is sponsoring which football team as an indication of what will happen next on the Footsie 100 - I am just smiling slightly as my favourite team have Carlsberg printed all over them and most people will still want a nice cool beer at some point!

Brooks and Partners Solicitors, Lyons House, 2 Station Road, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7JA

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